Workshops series around corn
This monthly workshop series centers around corn and its relationship with the Irish context, exploring the topic through culinary, artistic, and critical disciplines. Corn is one of the most important ingredients in Mexican gastronomy. Since pre-Hispanic times, it has not only served as a staple food but also as a cornerstone of identity and religious practices in Mesoamerican civilizations.
For centuries, corn has been represented in various ways through knowledge passed down across generations. The magic of corn dough, for example, lies in its ability to be shaped into countless forms that reflect tradition while inspiring new creations and dishes that remain relevant today. Corn has also sparked discussions around ecology, sustainability, feminism, and agriculture, shaping how we think about and consume food in the modern world.
In this workshop series, we invite you to eat, think, and build community through sensory experiences and artistic and culinary practices. One of our goals is to lay the groundwork for expanding the discourse around corn and its growing relevance in the Irish context.