Dinner with art: "9 Homes"

Dinner with art: "9 Homes"

Past Dinner with art: 9 Homes

From March to May 2024

By Diarmuid Woodcock

9 Homes is an exhibition featuring nine paintings representing homes in Skerries, Fingal. The artist invites us to observe those places as a spectator who has all the time in the world to stop and appreciate the elements that comprise a home. Nowadays we rarely stop to appreciate our surroundings, everyday life has taken a secondary role: what happens on a screen is what is relevant and the likes are the fuel of our self-esteem.

Thus, the paintings interrogate the viewer to ask himself what is the link with home? Where is home? How do I imagine my own concept of home? Home does not necessarily have to be a house, it can also be a territory, a place where we are far away and wish to return one day. Home can be a safe place, but it can also be a place that provokes anxiety, uncertainty, remoteness, loneliness.

9 Homes is also about thinking about the people who live in those houses, imagining their routines, daily habits, and at the same time, recognising how valuable intimacy is, the protection of a space that after a chaotic day, or an exhausting journey, one can return and start again. Finally, also to reflect on those people who do not have the possibility to think of a roof, or even a shelter, for reasons of forced migration, wars and economic crises. For many people, it is only a dream, a symbol of hope.




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